Monday, October 29, 2007

Climate: What or Who has to change?

The guy in the video is using binary logic and not fuzzy logic. Binary logic is a flawed system and has held back the western world since its conception in 300 BC by Aristotle.

Binary logic sees things as either or, example, "the glass is half-full, or the glass is half empty." However, a statement which proves binary logic to be flawed is... "the glass is half full, and half empty" where the glass is in both states at the same time.

Fuzzy logic applies approximation as opposed to black or white truth. The future for us may be both bleak and good.

To what degree is climate change natural? If we succeed in terraforming the planet to create an environment which is more comfortable for us, is that natural?

What point do you think the governments and corporations will stop and say, enough is enough. The climate has changed for the worst now. We’re going to stop what we’re doing and go and live in a cave.

The day the first oil tanker hit some rocks and killed a million life forms?

The day the first factory leaked toxic waste into the river & killed all the fish and wildlife, poisoning the village a few miles down stream? The next day it did the same.

The day the Chernobyl reactor leaked? Was that enough to halt “progress?”

Did the car manufacturers decide to stop rolling out cars when the first child was hit by one and killed?

Did the entire UK stop buying cheap electrical goods from China when they heard they were the worst polluters on the planet?

Climate Change is caused by the consumers seeking a more comfortable lifestyle. Can we afford a new environment? Can we buy back what we destroyed over all these years of consumerism? Not with all the dollars in the world.

It’s our mindsets that have to change. I think the environment is trying to tell us this, but Apple just released the new iPhone. I’ll get one of them, then I’ll change.


Anonymous said...

Binary logic sees things as either or, example, "the glass is half-full, or the glass is half empty." However, a statement which proves binary logic to be flawed is... "the glass is half full, and half empty" where the glass is in both states at the same time.

I don't understand what contradiction you see in this. There is nothing in Boolean logic which says that both "the glass is half full" and "the glass is half empty" cannot be true at the same time. In fact, by definition, "the glass is half full" logically necessitates that "the glass is half empty"!

hardcorr said...

You are right. However, whatever you will be trying to rationalise might turn out a bit weird, if the glass is, as it is, both half-full and half-empty.

This cat is grey. But how grey is it?

If this cat is grey then it is not black and not white.


If this cat is very light then it is light grey
If this cat is very dark then it was probably caught in a Californian wildfire, started by a kid with some matches.

In context of the guy's argument, in my opinion, Boolean logic,is not accounting for the real-world approximations needed to assess whether we affect a change in our approach toward acting or not acting on global warming.

Sorry if my logic in my argument wasn't explained well enough. But if you would like me to spell it out:

If we consume less pointless products then the decline of the environment will slow down.
If we consume as we are now then the decline of the environment will continue.
If we dump tons of iron into the sea to foster growth of plankton to soak up CO2 then we don't know what will happen.
If you give me your iPhone then I won't need to buy one. etc