Monday, December 10, 2007

Back home in mind and body

Well I must say it's great to be back. I think you can never really know who you are and what you're about until you're among the people you love and care about.

I've learned quite a lot since I came back. The main thing, I believe, is that as you have a choice to have a positive attitude towards life, so you may as well be just for the sake of being positive.

Another important lesson was the power your relationships have over who you are, and the power you have to change them for the better. People tend to like having a positive influence, and whatever the situation, having a positive attitude costs exactly the same as having a negative one. Nothing at all. So what do we have to lose?

The most important thing if you want to change your life around is to pay attention to all relationships you may have, and release that positive flow into all channels. And when I say pay attention, I also mean watch out for people you know who might have a negative influence on you. They probably don't mean to. In all honesty, I believe I used to be like that. But in changing your world, you can affect them in amazing ways. Just sit back and watch.

Right, enough of that. I'm beginning to sound like some cheesy self-help guru for consumers. As you would probably be aware of by now, if you've read my previous posts, consumerism is what's killing the world. It's consuming itself now, and has been for a long time. It's only a matter of time before we reach critical mass and we have to be ready for the chaos.

As for the sitcom...

I am really pleased with what I've done so far. It's still in infancy, however, and I can't see it being ready until late January. After that, who knows? I have not decided which path I'll be taking it, but I have a few ideas and a few tricks up my sleeve.

This has been the first post I have made in the month since I've been back. I want you all to know everything is still dandy and amazing. My future's turned out different to how I'd imagined, but I wouldn't change it for all the money/power/food in the world.

The last thing I'd like to lay down on the proverbial table, a little food for thought, if I told you there was a company out there who know more about you than the government, they have your details on file and seek to know everything about you from what you wear, to what you think about, and even where you are, how would you feel? Violated? What if I told you that the reason they want to know all this is so they can advertise goods that are specific to you, so you buy more crap you don't want/need? They're googling you right now and you don't even know it. Well, one day this googlemonster must be taken down. You'll probably agree if you value your personal freedom. You should care about that. Although, of course you are free not to.
