Monday, December 10, 2007

Back home in mind and body

Well I must say it's great to be back. I think you can never really know who you are and what you're about until you're among the people you love and care about.

I've learned quite a lot since I came back. The main thing, I believe, is that as you have a choice to have a positive attitude towards life, so you may as well be just for the sake of being positive.

Another important lesson was the power your relationships have over who you are, and the power you have to change them for the better. People tend to like having a positive influence, and whatever the situation, having a positive attitude costs exactly the same as having a negative one. Nothing at all. So what do we have to lose?

The most important thing if you want to change your life around is to pay attention to all relationships you may have, and release that positive flow into all channels. And when I say pay attention, I also mean watch out for people you know who might have a negative influence on you. They probably don't mean to. In all honesty, I believe I used to be like that. But in changing your world, you can affect them in amazing ways. Just sit back and watch.

Right, enough of that. I'm beginning to sound like some cheesy self-help guru for consumers. As you would probably be aware of by now, if you've read my previous posts, consumerism is what's killing the world. It's consuming itself now, and has been for a long time. It's only a matter of time before we reach critical mass and we have to be ready for the chaos.

As for the sitcom...

I am really pleased with what I've done so far. It's still in infancy, however, and I can't see it being ready until late January. After that, who knows? I have not decided which path I'll be taking it, but I have a few ideas and a few tricks up my sleeve.

This has been the first post I have made in the month since I've been back. I want you all to know everything is still dandy and amazing. My future's turned out different to how I'd imagined, but I wouldn't change it for all the money/power/food in the world.

The last thing I'd like to lay down on the proverbial table, a little food for thought, if I told you there was a company out there who know more about you than the government, they have your details on file and seek to know everything about you from what you wear, to what you think about, and even where you are, how would you feel? Violated? What if I told you that the reason they want to know all this is so they can advertise goods that are specific to you, so you buy more crap you don't want/need? They're googling you right now and you don't even know it. Well, one day this googlemonster must be taken down. You'll probably agree if you value your personal freedom. You should care about that. Although, of course you are free not to.


Monday, October 29, 2007

Want to know more about the "Consumer" Mindset that you have?

Here are some links to some very interesting Documentaries in the series of "The Century of the Self"

The series is about 4 hours long in total so you might want to come back a few times. If you really want to know what kind of programming you have inside your head, and you're so mixed up about stuff, you can't understand your mind, or you feel powerless, watch these.

They're fantastically made, the quality is poor but watchable, and the sound is fine.

Please note, to watch these videos you will have to visit MY BLOG

The Century of The Self - Part 1of4: Happiness Machines

The Century of The Self - Part 2of4: The Engineering of Consent

The Century of The Self - Part 3: There is a Policeman Inside All Our Heads: He Must Be Destroyed

The Century of The Self - Part 4of4: Eight People Sipping Wine in Kettering

Why I Decided to Become Vegetarian

Whenever I used to go out for meals, I used to (most often) order a nice juicy, rather large steak. I appreciated the feeling of satisfaction in knowing that not only did it fill me up, and taste delicious, but it actually fed my muscles. Sure, it might be high in cholesterol and clog up my large intestine, but they were prices I was willing to pay.

I went to the gym all the time and te plenty of fruit anyway, so what was the big deal?

I came to Spain in search of the "Best Beefburger in the valley" and sampled many. They were unfortunately, all of pretty poor quality. I think the restaurants acquired them from the same supplier. Due to my disenchantment, I decided to give up meat altogether and become a vegetarian.


It was actually because of my good friend Matt Coleman, that I decided to hang up my burgers for good.

Within an irreverent-sounding email, titled "Earthlings," I found a link to a Google Video of the same name. I have to admit, I have a strong stomach. I don't mind watching a needle with some kind of pharmaceutical innoculation chemicals go into my arm, I've even seen a dead person, but this Documovie made me cry at my own disregard for my humanity.

The reason was not only that I didn't agree with how these animals were treated as they were slaughtered and hung on hooks, or that the industry was so massive and treated animals like slaves, but one scene was all it took to enlighten me.

How many of you have dogs? I have never in my life had a dog as a companion, I always wanted one, and still do, but I have neither the environment, nor the funds to suit one.

How many of you have had a dog that died? Got run-over? Had some kind of cancer or other illness that meant the only humane thing to do was to put it down?

How many of you had a dog, but grew weary of it's mis-behaviour and set it loose on the streets, in favour of a newer, more manageable puppy?

How many of you have seen one of such dogs recieve a lethal injection, and watched the life drift away from it in a matter of milliseconds?

How many of you have watched a group of said dogs get thrown into a gas chamber, for a more prolonged death?

Now replace the word "Dog" with "Person" and remove any inter-species prejudices you may have, especially the intelligence and hair coverage and you probably see where I'm coming from.

There are also various other concerns I have, such as global lack of food, Cow-Based Protein output being ten times less the input. The increase in price of grain due to bio-fuels being more profitable for the world's farmers. We're looking at a pretty uncomfortable future as far as food is concerned.

If I can live the rest of my life respecting my fellow Earthlings and not contribute to their pain and suffering, I will. If you want to see the video, I'll post it below.

If enlightenment is your thing, and you're not too concerned with iPods, new cars, keeping up with the Jones's, or you feel very strongly about your reasons for eating meat (ie, you will die if you don't eat meat) then it's probably not for you.

For those of you that want to see more, it may not have the same effect on you as it did on me, but now is the time you must wake up to what you are contributing to.


Climate: What or Who has to change?

The guy in the video is using binary logic and not fuzzy logic. Binary logic is a flawed system and has held back the western world since its conception in 300 BC by Aristotle.

Binary logic sees things as either or, example, "the glass is half-full, or the glass is half empty." However, a statement which proves binary logic to be flawed is... "the glass is half full, and half empty" where the glass is in both states at the same time.

Fuzzy logic applies approximation as opposed to black or white truth. The future for us may be both bleak and good.

To what degree is climate change natural? If we succeed in terraforming the planet to create an environment which is more comfortable for us, is that natural?

What point do you think the governments and corporations will stop and say, enough is enough. The climate has changed for the worst now. We’re going to stop what we’re doing and go and live in a cave.

The day the first oil tanker hit some rocks and killed a million life forms?

The day the first factory leaked toxic waste into the river & killed all the fish and wildlife, poisoning the village a few miles down stream? The next day it did the same.

The day the Chernobyl reactor leaked? Was that enough to halt “progress?”

Did the car manufacturers decide to stop rolling out cars when the first child was hit by one and killed?

Did the entire UK stop buying cheap electrical goods from China when they heard they were the worst polluters on the planet?

Climate Change is caused by the consumers seeking a more comfortable lifestyle. Can we afford a new environment? Can we buy back what we destroyed over all these years of consumerism? Not with all the dollars in the world.

It’s our mindsets that have to change. I think the environment is trying to tell us this, but Apple just released the new iPhone. I’ll get one of them, then I’ll change.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Super Dooper Sitcom Project #1

Hi there, Friends, Family, and Customers,

OK, this is my first blog on this project, so forgive me if it's not amazing. But it is amazing because, a) I have a lot to say, and b) I'm writing it. So fuck you (not really) but fuck you anyway.

So far my time away has been a blast. I've spent lots of cash (I'm broke now, for a little while at least), and had lots of crazy adventures up mountains and down rivers, and in people's garages. I consumed enough alcohol to kill a herd of elephants, but at least I felt like I accomplished something. There is a herd of elephants out there who are now safe. I'm a hero.

Now, it's been about 4 weeks since I started writing the sitcom. It's still very raw and in need of tweaking, but those unfortunate few who I demanded feedback from have so far liked what they read.

So what's the point of this blog? Well, I wanted to get the documenting of the process started early so I don't have to back track later on.

"So what's this sitcom project all about then? I hear you say it's super-dooper or something." That's right. It is so super-dooper that I can't give you all the details. All I can say to the general public at the moment (including family and friends) is that there will be Seven (hopefully) televised episodes, and one that will be free to download from the project website. I have still to discuss the ins and outs of this episode with some new media oriented web-based super geeks, because I want it to kick some serious ass.

If you enjoy comedy then this is for you. If you don't, then you are probably a serial killer and awaiting execution on death-row in Texas. I don't agree with the State of Texas' policy on capital punishment, but unfortunately (as if awaiting imminent electrocution wasn't bad enough) this may not be made in time. However, if you are a buddhist and believe in reincarnation then perhaps you will come back as a dog and your owner may have a copy of the series on box set. This will be at some point in the near future. I always wanted to know what the future was like, but I am now veering off the subject.

So far I am on episode Five (about half-way through) but am planning of making a few minor changes in the previous episodes to add a bit more intrigue and drama.

I set out wanting to write a 2-part short drama on Russian military scientists during the end of the second-world-war. It ended up being a surreal comedy about a bar and the employees there-in.

I think the change of heart came when I decided to become a vegetarian and started going mad. I think it's the lack of protein in my diet. I still look like a greek god, I just need a hair cut. I would get one but after having seen the current styles in Spain I decided I'll wait. Spain also has CHAVS. However, here they are called SPAVS and they're all really nice and non-violent.
I am currently sat here in the same spot I've been in for the last 4 weeks of my waking life, writing a load of garbage, but well. Because I am a writer, and writing is my creed.

Back to the sitcom, anyway, after suffering from lack of motivation and cigarettes, I decided to wash my clothes as I had run out of clean socks and underwear.

OK, back to the sitcom. I will need recruits for extras when this hopefully gets underway. A web-form should be accessible on the website when it's up and running. Hopefully there should be a few shorts posted up there during pre-production to whet your appetites. And what kind of evil demon would I be if I didn't provide a forum for everyone to sing my praises at how great and creative, and strong and hairy I am? I'll tell you what kind. An unconsciencious one.

These are my disjoined thoughts, plans, and ramblings regarding life, sitcoms, and underwear (so far).

I have been wearing my PJ's all day and it's now time to do some washing up/writing. Hooray!